Does Automist Smartscan comply with the requirements of BS 8458?
Yes, Automist Smartscan has been verified to conform with BS 8458:2015, Fixed Fire Protection Systems – Residential and Domestic Water Mist Systems – Code of Practice for Design and Installation, as confirmed by the BSI Verification Certificate (VC 780009).
Supporting Documentation:
- 3rd party BS 8458 verification by BSi - BSi BS 8458:2015 Verification Certificate.pdf
- Automist Smartscan fire test report - BS 8458:2015 - Annex C.pdf
- Detailed BS 8458 conformity information - Design, Installation and Operation Manual.pdf
- Manufacturer's Declaration of Conformity - Plumis Hydra BS 8458 MDOC.pdf
Understanding BS 8458 Compliance:
BS 8458 is a code of practice, meaning it provides guidance rather than a rigid specification. According to the Standard of Standards BS 0:2016, Clause 9.4.1, compliance can be based on achieving equivalent or superior outcomes rather than following every recommendation exactly. The table below outlines how Automist meets BS 8458 requirements, including justifications for design elements that enhance system performance:
Swipe the table to scroll >>
Demonstration of equivalent or superior performance
Key studies include:
- Probabilistic Modelling of Automist in Open Plan Dwellinghouses
In carrying out a review of both the performance objectives of suppression systems in dwellinghouses and the Plumis Automist documentation and research to date, sufficient evidence has been found to indicate that the system can typically perform equivalent to or better than the minimum expectations of a domestic sprinkler system conforming to BS 9251:2021. - Estimating the Suppression Performance of an Electronically Controlled Residential Water Mist System from BS 8458:2015 Fire Test Data
- Calculating a reliability target for Automist
- Replicating the activation time of electronically controlled watermist system nozzles in B-RISK
Automist has an effective RTI of 20 m½s½ and C factor of 0.25 m½s-½. The measured activation times of Automist can be 2.0 to 13.7 times faster than a concealed sprinkler, this significantly impacts its ability to aid means of escape.