Continuing Professional Development

Continuing Professional Development

Organise a CPD for your organisation

Contact us to book your own bespoke CPD either online or in person. We regularly give presentations about Automist and how it fits within the regulatory framework.  

Book a CPD


New Live Online CPD Session

14:00 - 15:00 | Wednesday 28th August 2024 

Plumis CPD August 2024

Join our latest CPD session, hosted by our Co-founder and CDO, Yusuf Muhammad, plus take part in an interactive Q&A. We'll cover:

  • What is Automist? Addressing some frequently asked questions about the system
  • How Automist helps homeowners meet building regulations
  • The differences between Automist and traditional sprinklers and watermist systems
  • Fire engineering research that supports the use of Automist in open plan dwellings

Reserve your place


Try our interactive CPD

We created an interactive online Continuing Professional Development (CPD) to help stakeholders address queries and find product and performance information.

Online Interactive CPD


Automist CPD

Watch a live or recorded online webinar

Videos are available on Plumis' GoToStage Channel.

Recent sessions available to watch

JUL 24, 2024 - NEW UPDATED - Automatic Fire Suppression For Domestic Dwellings    
JUN 25, 2024 - NEW UPDATED - Automatic Fire Suppression For Domestic Dwellings    
APR 10, 2024 - How Automist Enables Fire Compliant Open Plan Layouts    
MAR 27, 2024 - How Automist Enables Fire Compliant Open Plan Layouts    
JAN 10, 2024 - Enabling Open Plan With Automist - Updated Session for 2024    
DEC 13, 2023 - Meeting the new fire safety regulations for guest accommodation    
DEC 11, 2023 - Enabling Open Plan With Automist - Updated Session for 2024    
DEC 5, 2023 - Enabling Open Plan With Automist - Updated Session for 2024    
DEC 4, 2023 - Meeting the new fire safety regulations for guest accommodation    

Fire Safety: Are we doing enough?

Following demand at the last HOMES conference, in this webinar Plumis brought together its expert panel, once again, to continue the discussion on how the housing sector can ensure best practices around fire safety are implemented. Watch the recording online: