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Can you use Automist to meet Building Regulations in Scotland?

The Building Standard Technical Handbook (Scotland) 2020 has a clause relating to automatic fire suppression.

2.15.1 Automatic fire suppression systems:

The term automatic life safety fire suppression system includes sprinkler systems but provides the opportunity for designers to propose other systems which may be just as effective. The key characteristics of the system are:

  • it must be automatic and not require people to initiate its activation

  • it must be designed primarily to protect lives, rather than property, which means it should be fitted with faster responding sprinkler heads, and

  • it must be a fire suppression system, one designed specifically to deal with fires rather than other hazards.

Alternative suppression systems

The applicant and the verifier should satisfy themselves that the alternative system has been designed, tested and approved for use in domestic and residential buildings and are fit for their intended purpose (see Section 0). Watermist systems, for example, are bespoke to individual manufacturers and may be sensitive to small design changes. Therefore, a watermist system should be designed and installed in accordance with BS 8458: 2015 –TC (tracked changes) and the nozzles should comply with BS 8663-1: 2019 (provided the building is within the scope of the standards).  Fire performance tests are critical as BS 8458 relies on this data to determine the system design.

Local Authority Building Standards Scotland Ministerial View:

In April 2023, having carefully considered all the information submitted, Scottish Ministers concluded that a proposal for Automist in the development of 3 blocks of flats met the requirements of Standard 2.15.

Read more - Does Automist's electronic nozzle meet BS 8663-1?

Disclaimer: This information is not intended to be a comprehensive guide to all of the aspects of the building regulations but rather a useful source of background information. Whilst every care has been taken to ensure that the contents of this post are correct at the time of publication, it should never be used as any form of substitution for the guidance documents. Plumis shall be under no liability whatsoever in respect to the contents of this post. It should be noted that there may be specific additional requirements dependent upon local authority building regulations and/or fire authority.