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Can Automist enable compliant open plan dwelling houses above 4.5m?

Open plan dwellinghouses with two or more storeys

An independent fire engineering company independently reviewed the performance objectives of suppression systems in dwellinghouses and the Plumis Automist documentation and research to date. They have found sufficient evidence to indicate that the system can typically perform equivalent to or better than the minimum expectations of a domestic sprinkler system conforming to BS 9251:2021.

FED (CO) outcomes of the comparative probabilistic assessment

Consideration was also given to more ‘open plan’ designs which deviate from guidance through a probabilistic computational fire modelling assessment of a series of representative dwellinghouse arrangements. It concluded the inclusion of a Plumis Automist suppression system in a three-storey dwellinghouse arrangement with an open plan stair is shown to produce a design scenario which is no more likely to result in injury or fatality during a fire than an accepted design that follows recognised fire safety guidance, such as ADB or BS 9991:2024. And that it appears reasonable for the Plumis Automist system to be adopted as part of a performance-based, fire-engineered solution where a three-storey dwellinghouse arrangement deviates from the guidance recommendations.

Compliant open plan dwelling house over 3 storeys with Automist

Download the full reportProbabilistic Modelling of Automist in Open Plan Dwellinghouses

Read next - Are there any fire engineers familiar with Automist?