Building control

Quick Building Control sign-off with Automist fire sprinklers

So, it’s the end of the build, or perhaps you are trying to sell your home? You may not have much money left after an expensive project or want to turn things around quickly. That’s where Automist Authorised Installers come in. We only work with quality companies that understand local building control and can get your property approved quickly. We are not always the cheapest, but we will not compromise your home with poor workmanship. In addition, we know what projects are accepted in your area as our network has completed over 12000 installations in the UK.

Why Automist

Swipe table to scroll >>

 Product Type


Traditional Sprinklers

 Nozzle location

Automist wall mounted electronic nozzle

Ceiling Mounted
Automist wall mounted electronic nozzle

 Water supply cost*
 (Often not included in quote)

no cost
Automist connects to the existing water main

Tank, water main upgrade, or priority water value

 Key installation process

Routing the hose behind the plasterboard wall
Automist wall mounted electronic nozzle

Bringing down the ceiling to route the sprinkler pipe
Automist wall mounted electronic nozzle

 Speed of activation

Operates quicker on slow-growing fires
Medium sized fire

Requires significant heat build-up to activate
Large sized fire

 Fire detection method

Reliable electronic trigger
Automist spraying watermist

Frangible glass bulb
Fire sprinkler flowing

 Water discharged
 (in ten minutes)

0.3 bathtubs
1/3rd of a bathtub

3.3 bathtubs
1/3rd of a bathtub 1 bathtub 1 bathtub 1 bathtub

N.B. Approximate costs are for a three-storey house with an available flow of 11lpm at peak demand*


Have you spoken to Building Control?

If you haven’t chosen your building control yet, our customers recommend Assent. You will need to know why an automatic fire suppression system is required in your home. Do you have a four-storey house, a three-story property with an open plan area, or another compliance requirement? If unsure, you can also speak to your builder, architect, or fire engineer. This is important as your installer needs this information to provide you with options to meet building regulations, as certain property types offer more flexibility than others.

What do you need to do?

Start by sending a floorplan of your property to your chosen installer, or ask for a site visit if preferred. They need a floorplan and the reason why you require a system to generate a quote and design proposal. You can show this to Building Control for pre-approval. That way, you can establish if your home will be compliant with Automist installed before you spend any money. Each design proposal will align with Plumis’ installation guidelines which consider how many sprayheads are needed in each room. Finally, why not set up a Building Passport to make it easy to hold and share all your building information.

Have trouble getting acceptance from Building Control?  

Perhaps they don’t like the layout of the building as it deviates from standard practice (guidance in Approved Document B)? You may need a fire engineering report to support your application. A fire engineer can help present your case, which is helpful for unusual projects. Perhaps they are unfamiliar with Automist and want you to use a traditional sprinkler? We can help and show them evidence why Automist is more suitable than traditional sprinklers for domestic fires. 

Your installation  

Once you have confirmation, book your installation with your Authorised Installer. Automist is designed for retrofit and to minimise disruption to your home. Once the installation is complete, your installer will provide you with the final sign-off paperwork. Remember to register your installation online.