Automist was designed to offer better outcomes. beautiful design.lifetime value.peace of mind. intelligent safety.
Established in 2008, Plumis has its roots in a project at the Royal College of Art (RCA) and Imperial College Business School (ICBS). Fire extinguishers in residential blocks are increasingly regarded by risk assessors as fire risks, as they can delay evacuation and encourage untrained people to fight dangerous fires. As a response to this insight and through substantial interaction with the fire protection industry, an RCA team consisting of Yusuf Muhammad, Paul Thomas and Jeung Woo Choi, developed a series of innovative fire suppression designs. Little real impact has been made in reducing domestic fire property losses despite public and private sector fire safety campaigns. Each year more than 60,000 fires occur in UK dwellings, resulting in approximately 450 deaths and more than 11,000 injuries. UK Government research suggests that socially deprived households are 31 times more likely to suffer fires than households in general. The idea for Automist came from a brainstorming session with a number of firefighters at the Chelsea Fire Station.